The Success Vitamin – Global Sales Academy

Why Virtual Selling is Important for You?

In the recent times, the selling industry has experienced a massive change. Now, selling virtually is the new normal. The need to engage customers in a virtual environment has taken precedence. Most customers are not willing to meet you in person anymore, so you have to rely on virtual selling to close deals.

You have to change your mindset, adapt to use of technology, and update your business model to fully embrace virtual selling, and make it work for you.

With a business model focused on virtual selling, you can reach more customers by leveraging technology. And what’s more important is that a virtual presence allow regular communication that can be leveraged to establish and maintain the trust that precedes any sale. This type of accelerated trust building helps you in the long run to retain customers and incite customer loyalty.

Using Silence in Virtual Selling

Silence is very powerful. It is an underrated and under-used tactic in sales. That’s because most salespeople are not comfortable using it.

You can use silence to:

  • Generate a response from your prospect
  • Give a well-thought answer to your prospect’s query
  • Address an objection
  • Grab a prospect’s attention.

More Tips on Virtual Selling

Choose the Right Technology Tools

Zoom is a popular video and chat tool. But there are other players like GoToMeeting, Skype, etc. which you can leverage to conduct 1:1 and group meetings. Sure, it will be a different experience than in-person meetings, but these tools give you the opportunity to watch, listen and interact with your prospects while scanning and inferring their body language. All this helps in closing deals faster.

Set the Stage to Impress

Dress up when you are meeting someone virtually. Being in your pyjamas, or in an outfit other than what you would have donned when meeting that same person in-person is just wrong.

And prepare your background as well. When you are online, your background (whatever appears around you on screen) needs to be clear and without any distractions. If your background is too cluttered, opt for a virtual background so that the other person (who’s looking at you) focuses on you, not on your background.

Mind the Sound

If your working area is a quiet place, you can rely on your microphone and speaker to get through any virtual meeting smoothly. However, if you have noisy work area, it’s best to invest in a good pair of headphones. Just like in the background note above, you don’t want your meeting to be focused on bad sounds or noisy background sounds.

Invest in Faster Internet Connectivity (and Backup)

Sometimes mobile hotspots need to be ditched. Most of the video and chat tools like Zoom have listed their internet requirements, so make sure your internet connection fits those requirements. Because you don’t want your calls to be dropped, or keep the prospect waiting for you.

Tweak Your Sales Process to the New Normal

Update your sales process to sell virtually. You can’t follow a sales process that involves in-person meetings or follow-ups. So update those steps, and go sell online!

Now, over to you..

We have talked about how virtual selling is important for you and your business. And we have shared different tips and tricks to help you excel in virtual selling. So there’s no more excuse to lag behind.

Get started in selling virtually and lead your team to more success.

You can also talk to Pritha to guide you in this process.

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