The Success Vitamin – Global Sales Academy

How to Create a Vision Board for Success

A vision board is a great visualisation tool to visualise your goals and achieve your desires. And creating one is a fun activity in itself.

Creating a vision board helps you motivate and inspire yourself to perform the necessary actions needed to achieve those long-term and short-term goals. And as you design your own board, you will realise more clarity in your vision too.

Benefits of Creating a Vision Board

It serves as a daily motivation.

Looking at your vision board every day develops an emotional connection to it, and that motivates and inspires you to do everything within your power to take the steps to achieve your goals. And as you achieve these goals, your personal power rises too.

It forces you to focus on your goals.

When you are ready to create your vision board, you don’t have any choice but to really think about what you want in life. This invaluable tool is that fixture in your life that will help you grab more success. So when you are creating one, you have to go beyond the ordinary, go beyond the casual.

You have to really focus on your goals and define the steps to achieve those goals.

It spotlights the bigger picture.

You are living your life. Following a routine. But without any goals in your mind, you can easily get stuck in a rut.

With the use of a vision board, you can step away from the immediate task at hand, and take a look at the bigger picture to realise what’s important. This way, it motivates you to push yourself to work on achieving your goals.

It is a daily reminder to turn your dreams into reality.

Vision boards take your thoughts and dreams and turn them into something real and tangible. So then you can use it as a guide for your actions that can make those dream a reality.

How to Develop Your Vision Board?

Creating a vision board is a great fun activity. You can do it alone, or get together with some friends and/or family, to have some great fun while developing a great tool to guide you towards your goals.

Here’s a great resource from Pritha to get you started.

To make this PDF work for you, allow yourself some time to think your responses carefully. Answer Pritha’s questions diligently and you will be able to create and shape your vision for the next 3 months.

Remember: write your answers in the present tense and be as specific as you can.

Download the 3-Month Vision Worksheet now – just fill out the form below!

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