The Success Vitamin – Global Sales Academy

How to Hit Your Sales Target

Being target motivated is one quality of a great sales professional or manager. But not everyone can hit their sales targets on time. So here’s my article to help you understand how to hit your sales target, while still remaining motivated.

Some of my popular training programs are related to sales. So I get to meet a lot of sales people in these training sessions. And what I have observed is that most of the sales people are always running behind targets. 

That is one commonality in my sales training programs, so I decided to explore that thing called “Target”.

When I am conducting training programs, I find that most of the attendees are already aware of the processes or the models that are being introduced. 

Whether we are talking about following a model of sales funnel or an approach on Spin model, or any other model we know in sales and negotiation, often times at the end of the training, most of the participants would say that they were already aware of those processes and techniques. And yet unable to apply the same in their work.

What is it that stops them from applying these learnings? 

I asked my trainees directly, and the common response was – most of the time once the trainee goes back to work, she gets pulled back into this rut of target pressure.

The days go back to being rushed, heavy, stressful with only objective – meet the day’s target. S

o the focus is more on meeting the number of clients per day, reporting the daily MIS, handling the escalations and conducting team meetings. Sounds familiar, eh?

So here’s how to hit your sales target

Yes, we want to achieve our target. However, if we keep running behind the target, those targets will keep getting far from us. And that is where these models come to help.

We are focusing on the wrong agenda.

In order to achieve our target, we need to focus on the process. Like,

Investing in relationships with our clients is a good start. 

Build a good rapport with the customer, even if the customer does not have a requirement right away. He will remember us when he needs our services, or maybe refer us to some one else. So instead of thinking of the next one while sitting in front of a client right now, we should invest our time to get to know our client who’s right in front of us. 

Doing meaningful research on the client, his/her business, competition, industry.

Analysing the client’s strengths and weaknesses to figure out how our solutions would help. Gathering best practices of the client’s competitors

Collecting a lot of testimonials on how our solution benefitted clients across industries

Contributing to our organisation’s social media pages with business cases that helps enhance the credibility of our company.

Publishing relevant articles on platforms like Linkedin that shows we know the industry and its challenges.

and many more.

In Conclusion

Target is a by-product. If we invest in the right direction, follow the right methods, targets are bound to happen. 

Rather than getting intimidated by that thing called Target, let’s start welcoming it. Because only in order to achieve that target, we are able to build a massive network of a few very positive champion clients for ourselves, who are our advocates. Who talk on our behalf, and who will help us get more and more business. 

Need more help on how to hit your sales target? Contact us now.

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